Two or more companies are combined into a single new entity.
In mergers and acquisitions, significant stakes are involved. Whether it’s about joining forces or acquiring a company, proper guidance and professional documentation are crucial. Westvaer offers you exactly that.
A merger or acquisition goes far beyond a signature on paper. The process involves drafting complex contracts, complying with legal requirements and protecting the interests of all parties. This is where Westvaer comes in. As an independent notarial office, we act as the link between you, your accountant, tax advisor and lawyer.
We provide:
With Westvaer, you choose certainty, expertise and efficient handling.
The role of the notary is indispensable in both mergers and acquisitions. Here are the key steps in which we support you:
Preparation and research
We can assist with conducting a legal due diligence investigation in various areas, checking for any legal aspects of the merger or acquisition, such as property rights and other potential legal obstacles.
Drafting documents
Notarial deeds, such as merger proposals, shareholder resolutions and the deed of transfer or merger, are carefully prepared by us.
Signing and completion
We guide the process through to the closing of the merger or acquisition.
With Westvaer by your side, you don’t have to worry about legal complications or unexpected issues.
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, mergers and acquisitions are fundamentally different:
Two or more companies are combined into a single new entity.
One party acquires the shares or assets of another company.
In both situations, a notary is essential to formalize the transactions.
Here we answer some frequently asked questions:
Yes. Without notarial deeds, mergers and acquisitions are not legally valid. Additionally, the notary ensures neutral and transparent guidance, which is crucial in complex negotiations.
In a merger, companies are combined, while in a demerger, a company is split into multiple legal entities. Both processes require a notary to ensure the transactions are completed correctly from a legal standpoint.
The duration depends on the complexity of the process. A simple acquisition can be completed within a few weeks, while a complex merger or acquisition may take several months. Westvaer ensures a smooth process, regardless of the scope. We collaborate with all involved advisors, such as lawyers, tax specialists, and accountants.
Do you have any other questions? Our experts are ready to assist you.
Bij Westvaer begrijpen we dat iedere fusie of overname uniek is. Daarom bieden wij maatwerkoplossingen die aansluiten bij uw situatie. Onze voordelen:
Wilt u meer weten over fusies, overnames of andere notariële diensten zoals bedrijfsopvolging bij familiebedrijven? Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op voor een vrijblijvend adviesgesprek.