Our team

Elise Brandenburg - Kouwenhoven

Notarial lawyer
Real estate


  • Opleiding tot Notarisklerk
  • VWO

Onze mensen

Stephanie Schoonhoven - Stoot

Candidate civil-law notary
Corporate law

Noortje de Monchy

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Randy Loermans

Candidate civil-law notary
Corporate law

Yvonne Hemmer

Notarial lawyer
Real estate

Otto van de Vliet


Esther Roeloffzen

Notarial lawyer
Real estate

Petra Klip - Visser

Notarial lawyer
Real estate

Ingeborg Duyverman

Civil-law notary & partner
Corporate law

Kaoutar Kamhi

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Wim de Jong

Civil-law notary & partner
Real estate

Judith Witteman

Bestuur, Staf

Linda Ruygrok - de Zeeuw

Assigned civil-law notary
Family & inheritance law

Verouz van Bohemen

Candidate civil-law notary
Corporate law

Dido Wolvius

Candidate civil-law notary
Corporate law

Anita Spithoven

Notarial lawyer
Real estate

Ad Zwinkels

Project and process manager

Frederieke Thoen

Candidate civil-law notary
Family & inheritance law

Veronique Voorhorst-Boeren

Civil-law notary & partner
Real estate

Joep Ertem

Candidate civil-law notary
Family & inheritance law

Désirée van Hout - Aalbrecht

Notarial lawyer
Real estate

Alexandra Pirog

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Jean-Paul Bolhaar

Civil-law notary & partner, Managing partner, Executive management
Bestuur, Real estate

Romy van Wijk

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Margriet van der Eijk - Duijndam

Marketing and communications advisor