Our team

Jelle van der Beek

Corporate law

Ik ben sinds 1 maart 2021 als of counsel verbonden aan Hermans & Schuttevaer Notarissen. In 2006 ben ik een van de oprichters van Wintertaling geweest, aan welk kantoor ik sinds 2016 als of counsel verbonden was.
Ik treed niet op als extern jurist, maar in mijn hoedanigheid als counsel lever ik, intern, inhoudelijk en structureel advies in diverse notariële zaken.

Onze mensen

Désirée van Hout - Aalbrecht

Notarial lawyer
Real estate

Romy van Wijk

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Jean-Paul Bolhaar

Civil-law notary & partner, Managing partner, Executive management
Bestuur, Real estate

Wim de Jong

Civil-law notary & partner
Real estate

Elise Brandenburg - Kouwenhoven

Notarial lawyer
Real estate

Paula Schouten

Candidate civil-law notary
Corporate law

Bianca Kofman

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Jennifer Fluitman

Civil-law notary & partner
Family & inheritance law

Gabi Wickerhoff - Kessler

Notarial lawyer
Corporate law

Stephanie Schoonhoven - Stoot

Candidate civil-law notary
Corporate law

Isabel van Wijk

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Sabine Perdijk - 't Lam

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Jaspert van der Hout


Joyce van der Zande

Assigned civil-law notary
Family & inheritance law

Alexandra Pirog

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Ad Zwinkels

Project and process manager

Frederieke Thoen

Candidate civil-law notary
Family & inheritance law

Angelique Baarends

Notarial lawyer
Real estate

Frank Vroom

Candidate civil-law notary
Family & inheritance law

Stephan de Witte

Directeur vastgoed
Real estate

Noortje de Monchy

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Simone Evers

Candidate civil-law notary
Real estate

Carianne Tazelaar

Candidate civil-law notary
Family & inheritance law

Kristianne Voorn

Candidate civil-law notary
Corporate law